Crochet, Games, Work In Progress


Wow, Thanksgiving is already almost here, and here I was feeling like Halloween was just yesterday.

The Cat baked some vanilla cake for us and we frosted them with vanilla frosting together. I got to add the sprinkles. The Cat took some of these pictures! They tasted like a birthday cake.

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The Cat also bought me some Kool-Aid packets. Here’s Fruit Punch! I haven’t had Kool-Aid since I was little and it sure was a throwback. My parents would get those plastic bottles of Fruit Punch Kool-Aid where you had to break off the tab at the top. I remember struggling with some of those and twisting them like mad before being able to break them. Success was sweet. And mildly mouth-staining.


For Thanksgiving, we’ll be hanging out with my folks for a non-traditional feast of thit kho (Vietnamese caramelized pork) and summer rolls. Mom’s not too fond of pork so we’re bringing over roast chicken for the the rolls. I’m going to bake cookies!

I’ve already finished planning the gifts I’ll be giving to my family for Christmas, and I’ve even already completed one. I hope they like what I’ve got in store for everyone. I’ve also already planned a little bit of my birthday that’s coming up soon.

Here’s a sneak preview of a gift I worked on. These are photos of the beginning of the project. I don’t want to spoil the surprise!


The Cat and I have taken a bit of time off Path of Exile since the league is winding down and the new expansion is coming out.

I’ve been dabbling in emulated Everquest servers. I want to try making my own but errors have been popping up all over the place after I downloaded it. Nothing a good amount of Google can’t fix. I hope.

Happy (early) Thanksgiving!



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