Games, Work In Progress

December 14, 2018

It’s been busy around here with Christmas coming up: stores are crowded, roads are filled with traffic, and the weather has been all over the place. Some days it’s in the 30s while other days it’s in the 70s. I guess it’s t-shirt and sweater day all the time around here!


Here are some foods of note from this week.

Veggie pasta with jalapenos, yellow onion, Roma tomatoes, garlic, and white mushrooms. The Cat added a bit of sour cream at the end to make it a pink sauce. Served with fettuccine. Quick breakdown of the Cat’s process: cook mushrooms, onion, and garlic over medium to medium-high heat until mostly caramelized, add peppers and tomatoes and cook until softened, take off the heat and stir in a dollop of sour cream.

Fried chicken sandwiches with iceberg lettuce, yellow onion, Roma tomato, pickle, and 4:2:1 sauce (4 parts mayo, 2 parts BBQ sauce, 1 part mustard). This time I tried spicy brown mustard instead of the usual yellow and it was milder and less vinegar-y but more earthy. I really like it. I might be making this sauce with spicy brown from now on. Served with steak fries. We used this recipe but we didn’t marinate the chicken and we mixed the wet and dry ingredients into a batter.

BBQ chicken burritos with cilantro, shredded iceberg lettuce, jalapeno, caramelized onion, lime, and sour cream. The Cat was trying out a new technique of cooking the chicken: sear the chicken, cook it through, slather it in BBQ sauce, and sear it again. It was amazing! He really enjoyed using a grill in the past so he tried to replicate that process in a pan on the stove.

Sweet chili chicken hard shell tacos with sliced black olives, diced yellow onion, diced Roma tomato, diced jalapeno, cilantro, lime, and sour cream. The Cat used the same method of sear, cook, sauce, sear on this day’s chicken except he used sweet chili sauce. The sauce worked very well with the heavy cumin we had on the chicken. I might have to get the Cat to cook more foods like this. Yummy!

Other News

The Cat has been on an Addams Family kick lately. We bought “The Addams Family” and “The Addams Family Values” for Halloween and have been watching it a couple times a week since then. If you haven’t see them, I highly suggest them for their kooky 90’s charm, wholesomeness, and spooky appeal. Of the two, I personally prefer “The Addams Family”.

We’ve also been watching Rocko’s Modern Life. I hadn’t seen it before the Cat mentioned it. It’s silly and immature but I still really enjoy it.

I gave EQEmulator’s Imperium server a whirl. I last played on this server about a year ago but decided on a new character to get a feel for the ropes again. I made a little Gnome Necromancer. I couldn’t play for the entire week since I spilled water on my keyboard and it was out of commission for a couple of days, but I still got to my late 50’s and started my epic 1.0 with very casual play.


  • Friendly community – ask any questions in OOC (server-wide)
  • GMs are easy to contact – they’re almost always on Discord which connects to OOC
  • Smooth progression system and many progression guides available
  • Easy leveling so far
  • New content since the last time I played (about a year ago)
  • Solo-able or duoable content
  • Amazing loot called Artifacts can randomly drop at any level
  • Treasure Goblins have a chance to spawn when you kill an even or greater mob
  • Seasonal events and decorations – currently a giant snowman, giant Christmas trees, Mary Lou Who, The Grinch, Max, and Treasure Goblins drop presents
  • Teleportation using “#zone y x z
  • Many clickies are usable by all classes (these are notes from last year)
    • Guise of the Deceiver
    • Mask of Tinkering
    • Flayed Barbarian Mask
    • Kunark clicky armor (buffs, DDs, DoTs, FD, CH, Selo’s)
  • Platinum farming is easy – do Daily Quests
  • Pay platinum to get maxed tradeskills – good for Earring of Solstice, Shawl of Imperium, etc.
  • Pay platinum for personal instances of zones
  • Achievement system
  • Content goes past Gates of Discord into custom content (Tier 7)
  • Functioning Bazaar – buy and sell to your heart’s content
  • No MQ2 (people can’t warp directly to targets and steal your kill)


  • No MQ2 (can’t see mobs on the map or stick)
  • A little lag in the Guild Lobby upon zone-in
  • I couldn’t figure out where to get “Summon Mystical Stiletto of Stabbing” at low levels even though the guide lists it as from Merchant Draco for free. I think it only appears on the merchant when you’re at least level 70.
  • Some clickies are still not available for all classes (these are notes from last year)
    • Rod of Insidious Glamour is still ENC-only
    • Cobalt Bracer is still WAR-only
    • Mask of Deception is still ROG/BRD-only
  • An NPC named Annoying Noob will often shout for platinum handouts in the Guild Lobby. I think he’ll be quiet for a while if you give him ~1000 platinum.


Best cohesive soloable-content server I’ve seen so far. The only other one that is truly and fully soloable without boxing is Casual Dreams which only goes up to Planes of Power. If you do try out Imperium, get a Pegasus Feathered Cloak because you don’t need a reagent for levitation and it’s easy to acquire. Here’s a couple of good places to get started:

The next server I’ll be checking out is Ultimate EQ, a custom content, MQ2-friendly, box-friendly take on Everquest.

Whether you’re here for the food, the games, or the crafts, thanks for reading!


Games, Work In Progress

December – The First Week

It’s December, y’all! You know what that means:

  • Christmas parades
  • Christmas music
  • Christmas decorations
  • Christmas sweets

It also means my birthday is coming up! I’m excited to celebrate with the Cat, family, a fish dinner, and possibly a big bottle of honey mead. I’ve got my eyes on a Viking Blod but if you have any suggestions for mead, I’d like to hear ’em. My other go-to is B Nektar but they don’t have it around here.

This Past Week

In light of my lactose sensitivity, I haven’t been having cheesecake. I used to make cheesecake several times a year when I was in grade school. It was a family treat and I was still able to eat lactose. I found another sweet pie to match my voracious sweet tooth: key lime pie. I can eat sour cream and condensed milk so this pie is perfect. In a pinch, I used regular bottled lime juice and it turned out on the sweet side but the flavor was limey and the texture was silky smooth. I’ll definitely be making this one again soon.

Later on in the week, the Cat and I went across town to market and there was a sale on steaks and ground beef (more on this later). I hadn’t had a steak in at least five years, much less one that was prepared by the Cat! He also caramelized some onions and roasted potatoes. My quick recipe for my “400-30” roasted potatoes:

  1. Preheat oven to 400F
  2. Wash potatoes. Trim if needed. Cut into 1″ cubes.
  3. Place potatoes on a foil-lined baking sheet. Toss with olive oil, salt, and pepper. (optional seasonings: garlic powder, cayenne)
  4. If you have had problems with potatoes sticking to the foil, flip them so they’re skin-side down. The skin might get quite crunchy but that’s the way I like ’em.
  5. Bake for 30 minutes or until browned.

A bit crisp on the outside from the oil and fluffy on the inside. Great as a side dish or even a snack.

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I made some steak sauce to see how it would go with the steaks. Not too shabby. It cut through the meat flavor when it got a little much. I made half of this steak sauce recipe and it was still a lot!

The first part of the ground beef became cheeseburgers with all the fixings. I even put some leftover steak sauce on the bottom of my burgers and it was delicious. I would definitely have steak sauce on a burger again.

The second part of the ground beef became meatballs and marinara. The Cat is part Italian and prepares great pasta dishes that always make me want more. Raw meatballs on the left and a nice mozzarella-heavy finished pasta on the right.

A treat I prepared for myself was peppermint hot cocoa. I made hot cocoa, added broken-up candy cane, stirred until the candy fully dissolved, then topped with almond milk whipped cream and sprinkles. Not for the faint of sweet-tooth.


In Other News

I went through a car wash for the first time! I know it’s pretty common for people to use them but I guess I missed out. This one had strobe lights so the soap foam was neat colors. Also a first, I had fruitcake! I like it. It’s flavorful, has nuts, and is good with a warm beverage.


The Cat and I put up a tiny pre-lit Christmas tree that was a gift from Mom. It stands at about three feet tall so I perched it on a desk. It’s a bit sparse on decorations right now but I’m hoping to fix that with a bit of crochet and a few tiny ornaments.


Regarding EQEmulator servers, I gave Leetsauce Productions a go.


  • Very friendly community
  • GM is often online and interacts with the community
  • MQ2 /warp enabled
  • Loads of custom content
  • Soloable/small-groupable (unlimited boxing)
  • Easy platinum farming
  • Crafting armor is like printing money; spend ~5 pp to make Banded armor, get >80 pp when you vendor the finished product


  • Can get very laggy
  • If you open a merchant, prepare to wait while its very long list of merchandise is loaded. Happens every time.
  • I disconnected many times
  • Not very clear progression

Personal opinion: First off, I understand that EQEmulator servers are made by people who work on them as a hobby. There are bound to be a slew of bugs and broken quests/items, and sometimes when one thing is fixed, ten things break. Between the disconnects and the unclear progression, I found myself idle. I wasn’t sure how to get the Leetsauce augments aside from the Ebon merchant (How do you even get Ebon? Where did I get 5?), nor how to progress through the Plane of Justice Trials. The Hanging Trial worked fine but the other two never spawned any mobs. After a multitude of Hails, porting to the Trials, and getting forcibly ported back to the Tribunal, I was lost. These Trials are one of the first steps to getting flagged for Planes of Power content. I probably missed something in the forums. I might come back to this server in the future but I’ll be setting it aside for now.

I think the next one I’ll try is Scorpious Imperium (edited). Also, the new Path of Exile expansion came out today. I’ve been on an Everquest kick, so I don’t think I’ll take part. If you’re interested in Path of Exile but you’re from Diablo, here’s a good guide to help you get started.

Until next time,


Crochet, Games, Work In Progress


Wow, Thanksgiving is already almost here, and here I was feeling like Halloween was just yesterday.

The Cat baked some vanilla cake for us and we frosted them with vanilla frosting together. I got to add the sprinkles. The Cat took some of these pictures! They tasted like a birthday cake.

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The Cat also bought me some Kool-Aid packets. Here’s Fruit Punch! I haven’t had Kool-Aid since I was little and it sure was a throwback. My parents would get those plastic bottles of Fruit Punch Kool-Aid where you had to break off the tab at the top. I remember struggling with some of those and twisting them like mad before being able to break them. Success was sweet. And mildly mouth-staining.


For Thanksgiving, we’ll be hanging out with my folks for a non-traditional feast of thit kho (Vietnamese caramelized pork) and summer rolls. Mom’s not too fond of pork so we’re bringing over roast chicken for the the rolls. I’m going to bake cookies!

I’ve already finished planning the gifts I’ll be giving to my family for Christmas, and I’ve even already completed one. I hope they like what I’ve got in store for everyone. I’ve also already planned a little bit of my birthday that’s coming up soon.

Here’s a sneak preview of a gift I worked on. These are photos of the beginning of the project. I don’t want to spoil the surprise!


The Cat and I have taken a bit of time off Path of Exile since the league is winding down and the new expansion is coming out.

I’ve been dabbling in emulated Everquest servers. I want to try making my own but errors have been popping up all over the place after I downloaded it. Nothing a good amount of Google can’t fix. I hope.

Happy (early) Thanksgiving!



Crochet, Work In Progress

Good Week of Food!

Hope y’all are keeping healthy this autumn/winter. Two members of my family are already sick and I think I might coming down with a cold myself. I do wish it was cold outside because I feel like that would somehow warrant my sickness; it’s hot and humid outside!

This was certainly a week of good food. Continue reading “Good Week of Food!”

Games, Work In Progress

Mining Corg

I admit it. I’ve spent all week playing Minecraft.

At first it made me really motion sick even in third person but after a few days of nausea, I felt something change in my inner ear and now I’m not motion sick anymore. I can even play in first person and watch other people play in first person as long as the frame rate is decent.

I found a nice mod pack called “Chisel It Up” that has quite the following. It allows players to work in 1/16th of a block with these tiny blocks aptly named “bits”. I’ve been tinkering with it and determined that I’m going to make a really nice Rivervale from Everquest. Hobbits! Halflings!

Earlier this week, I made part of Plane of Knowledge (Everquest) but decided I didn’t like it. The ratio was wrong! Everything was made much larger than it should be. With the new mod pack that also has different lighting options, I can opt for more compact buildings without worrying about an entire layer just for lighting using glowstones. I’m also planning some control block shenanigans to get the port stones working.

There are little cows, horses, sheep, and chickens roaming about.

