Completed Projects, Crochet, Games

Merry Christmas!

An early Merry Christmas to all of y’all!

T’was the night before Christmas, when all through the house

Not a creature was stirring, not a creature was stirring not even a … Corgi!

It’s been a pretty good year and now it’s time to settle in and eat way too many goodies during this holiday season, visit the folks, and celebrate my birthday! I’m also going to be making some items for the season so stay tuned for the next post: it’ll have yarn and Christmas food!

Pre-Christmas nosh

Barbecue chicken burritos with caramelized onion, cilantro, sliced jalapeno, iceberg lettuce, steamed jasmine rice, and sour cream. Very simple meal with ample amounts of vegetables. It’s probably quite evident by now that I’m a sucker for tacos and burritos.

Classic wintertime hot cocoa with mini marshmallows. I slipped in some butterscotch schnapps too. Warm, sweet, and tasty.


The store had really cheap London broils so we snagged a couple. The first one became part of Vietnamese pho. We used pho bouillon cubes for the broth and added wide rice noodles, cilantro, thinly sliced yellow onion, sliced jalapeno, and lime. Sambal and hoison sauce on the side.

To prepare the beef, we used this cooking guide for the cooking process. For the thickness of this broil, five minutes might have been too short. We’ll broil them longer next time. This was also the first recipe we’ve done with a cast iron pan. The meat seared and sizzled, the kitchen smelled like a smokehouse, the Cat and I marveled at the delightful smells … and then the fire alarm went off.

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We made a mistake with that pho. A crucial mistake. We didn’t check the ingredients of the pho bouillon cubes. MSG was the third ingredient. The third! We had used two cubes in the past with no ill effects but this time we used three cubes. Feeling sick the next day ensued. Basically too much MSG makes it feel like all of the water in your body is gone: killer headaches, trouble with maintaining body temperature, dizziness, nausea, and stomachache. It’s more or less what I imagine a hangover feels like. I haven’t had a hangover and I don’t plan to have one any time soon.

Several cups of water and Kool-Aid and several pretzels later — we didn’t have any Gatorade or toast — we were composed enough to make a simple dinner of baked barbecue chicken, roasted potatoes, and rice.

  1. Preheat oven to 350F and start making rice.
  2. Cube potatoes, put on a cookie sheet, and season with oil, salt, and pepper. It’s easier if you put the potatoes, oil, and seasonings in a bowl first and mix them up for even distribution of toppings before laying the potatoes out on a sheet.
  3. Cube chicken. Put in a casserole dish and coat with a layer of oil and BBQ sauce.
  4. Put chicken on the top rack and potatoes on the bottom and bake for 15-20 minutes. Take chicken out. Move potatoes to top rack.
  5. Increase oven temperature to 400F and bake another 10-ish minutes or until golden.

Super simple dinner in less than an hour! I like making this meal in a pinch, at the end of a long day, or, in this case, when one or both of us is not feeling well.


The next day after the tragic MSG “hangover”, the Cat and I were feeling right as rain. We got the second London broil out, cooked it the same way as the last broil except we left it for a few minutes longer, and the Cat whipped up some Philly cheese steaks with caramelized mushrooms and onions, and some sharp cheddar cheese. I’d never had Philly cheese steaks before except for the Hot Pocket ones in grade school, but I don’t really think those count! The slices of beef were a bit too thick but this was an amazing and very rich and hearty meal that I’d definitely have again.

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The Cat used a whole pack of chicken (six or seven boneless, skinless breasts) to make a giant pot of curry that we could eat off of for a few meals. I forgot to take a picture of the final product, but here’s a picture of the Cat mincing ginger before dicing or slicing Roma tomatoes, jalapenos, and a yellow onion. Not pictured are three peeled carrots and many cloves of garlic. The other photo is over five pounds of potato that we cubed, seasoned, baked, and added. We ended up snacking on about eight ounces of the roasted potatoes each but the rest went straight into the curry.

Think we had curry for dinner? Nope. We had tacos! Curry is like a fine wine or whiskey that gets better with age so we cooled it off and put it in the fridge for the next day, and all we would have to do is make rice, hard boil eggs, and reheat the curry. Here we have tacos with chicken, sliced jalapeno, diced Roma tomatoes, cilantro, caramelized onion, sour cream, and lime. The Cat and I agreed that next time we’ll stick to raw onion. It just adds another punch of flavor to tacos that the caramelized ones don’t have.


Other news

Ultimate EQ is a bit different from the other EQEmulator servers I’ve tried. This one has a token system where if you kill anything, you get a chance at a token and tokens are redeemable for really nice gear.


  • Very friendly and helpful community
  • Active GMs — I think there are only two and no guides
  • MQ2 allowed — some warping allowed before PoP, I think
  • Unique token system
  • Interesting player hub (Muramite Proving Grounds)
  • Auto-scribe — I played a Mage and automatically got my epic spell in my 40s! Doesn’t include certain drop-only custom spells at the end game
  • Unique progression — for example, Vanilla progression is collect Nagafen’s Head, Innoruuk’s brain, and Cazic-Thule’s Eye
  • Smooth progression so far — I passed the Vanilla Progression, am almost done with Kunark and I’m almost level 70 in a week of very casual play
  • Buff bot in lobby
  • Instant-cast lobby teleport clicky
  • Free Broom of Trilon, Shovel of Ponz, Stein of Ulissa, Torch of Alna, Ultimate Charm, DMF clicky, aug distiller, and Essence Emeralds
  • Custom content
  • Leveling is easy than normal but you’re not invincible (unless you have awesome buffs)
  • Increased out-of-combat health and mana regeneration
  • Platinum is easy to come by — I already have 16k from leveling, looting, and vendoring
  • Can trade AAs for plat or plat for AAs
  • NPC summons awesome pet weapons for you
  • Race changer NPC
  • Can link your main character to your alt — I’m a bit fuzzy on the details of this as I haven’t tried it
  • Alt backflagger NPC to skip those pesky flags
  • Some sort of character specialization system where you choose a “path” and get an item that greatly improves your characters (i.e. clicky that gives a heal effectiveness buff for a priest that chose to become a better healer)
  • Treasure goblins have a chance to spawn and they drop coins (vendor trash) and XP potions. They also have a chance to drop rare items like a Manastone and Guise of the Deceiver


  • Translocator doesn’t send you directly to some zones (WW, Seb) — A bit of running if you don’t warp. Personally doesn’t bother me.
  • It seems that one of the best buff clickies is available for real money — Some people buff in the lobby with them though (It has a 16k damage shield!); I hope to find clickies with similar effects in the game
  • Have to level to 60 or 70 before you get to the custom content
  • Limited resources — I guess they’re still compiling info
  • Forum search requires reCAPTCHA every single time
  • Banker in lobby is quite far from the vendor — personal pet peeve
  • Frequent server-wide /shout of people who get certain flags, gamble and win or lose, craft something legendary, or choose a character path

I might keep playing on Ultimate EQ or try another server. I haven’t decided yet. The Cat mentioned trying out an EQ Live server so that’s on the table too.

Season’s Greetings from a bear and wolf I made a while ago. The Cat and I joke that he’s the bear and I’m the wolf so a greeting from us! — links to the projects on Ravelry: bear and wolf. Bear is based on the grizzly bear form of an EQ Shaman and the wolf is his pet.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from Corgi and the Cat!

Crochet, Games, Work In Progress


Wow, Thanksgiving is already almost here, and here I was feeling like Halloween was just yesterday.

The Cat baked some vanilla cake for us and we frosted them with vanilla frosting together. I got to add the sprinkles. The Cat took some of these pictures! They tasted like a birthday cake.

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The Cat also bought me some Kool-Aid packets. Here’s Fruit Punch! I haven’t had Kool-Aid since I was little and it sure was a throwback. My parents would get those plastic bottles of Fruit Punch Kool-Aid where you had to break off the tab at the top. I remember struggling with some of those and twisting them like mad before being able to break them. Success was sweet. And mildly mouth-staining.


For Thanksgiving, we’ll be hanging out with my folks for a non-traditional feast of thit kho (Vietnamese caramelized pork) and summer rolls. Mom’s not too fond of pork so we’re bringing over roast chicken for the the rolls. I’m going to bake cookies!

I’ve already finished planning the gifts I’ll be giving to my family for Christmas, and I’ve even already completed one. I hope they like what I’ve got in store for everyone. I’ve also already planned a little bit of my birthday that’s coming up soon.

Here’s a sneak preview of a gift I worked on. These are photos of the beginning of the project. I don’t want to spoil the surprise!


The Cat and I have taken a bit of time off Path of Exile since the league is winding down and the new expansion is coming out.

I’ve been dabbling in emulated Everquest servers. I want to try making my own but errors have been popping up all over the place after I downloaded it. Nothing a good amount of Google can’t fix. I hope.

Happy (early) Thanksgiving!



Crochet, Work In Progress

Good Week of Food!

Hope y’all are keeping healthy this autumn/winter. Two members of my family are already sick and I think I might coming down with a cold myself. I do wish it was cold outside because I feel like that would somehow warrant my sickness; it’s hot and humid outside!

This was certainly a week of good food. Continue reading “Good Week of Food!”

Crochet, Games

Pre-Halloween and Semi-Solo Self Found

Wow, Halloween is just around the corner!

It’s about that time of year that I have to start thinking about what to make for people’s Christmas gifts so I have ample time to craft. Unfortunately, my mind is blank. I don’t know what to make people. They never send me any sort of wish list so I usually sort of make something that I think they’ll like. Last year I got my sister a white board and made my parents a round sunflower lap blanket/table cover (Ravelry project page).

Sunflower for Dad who likes yellow and Mom who likes flowers

Other News

The Cat was at it again with making amazing food this week! He also taught me how to frost cupcakes since I’ve never done it before.

  • Burgers with all the fixings
  • Semi-homemade cookies and cream ice cream — Breyers Lactose Free Vanilla mixed with half a container of Oreos, crushed
  • Pizza topped with pepperoni and spicy banana peppers
  • Red onion, roma tomato, and jalapeno salsa for chicken burritos
  • Devil’s Food cupcakes with chocolate frosting (not pictured because they mysteriously disappeared)



Semi-Solo Self Found

The Cat and I are having some fun doing a personal challenge in Path of Exile. I got my Canary pet from the Delve League challenges, so we’re starting to branch out a little from the league. We decided to do a self-imposed “Solo Self Found” challenge on Standard with some rules.


  1. If we play the “Semi-SSF” characters, we must play together.
  2. No trading with anyone except each other.
  3. No using currency from previous leagues or standard. Must use
    1. Empty currency tab
    2. Empty divination card tab
    3. Empty essence tab
  4. No using gear from previous leagues or standard.
  5. We each get 25-30 empty tabs. Quad tabs count as four tabs.
  6. If we make another character for the “Semi-SSF,” it will have full access to the only the “Semi-SSF” stash. This way we can make a league starter and switch if desired.
  7. We’re allowed decorative microtransactions.


  1. Reach level 95.
  2. Complete atlas up through tier 15.

These rules and goals will probably get edited along the way but it’s a good foundation to get started. The Cat made a Sunder Duelist and I made an Arc Templar. So far it’s a lot of fun and we’re in Act 2 already. The lack of gear almost makes it feel like the Gucci Hobo challenge where you can’t equip anything but unique items that you find on your own with no trading. Our damage is surprisingly good for a couple of characters that aren’t rocking full rare items much less unique ones.

Pictured below is a nice empty currency tab and divination card tab.

Happy Halloween,


P.S. Since I’m not a real dog, I’m going to stockpile Halloween chocolate. And maybe some brownies too. Mmm, chocolate.


Crochet, Games

Post-Post Hurricane

The panic over the hurricane is finally smoothing over in my area. There wasn’t any major flooding, the trees have been trimmed and/or picked up, and the power outages have been fixed. The local Walmart is finally getting restocked but the bread aisle is still a bit bare.

The Cat and I prepped by buying a lot of fruit punch (the store was out of water) so now we have lots of punch! We chilled out by having some special food this past week: hard shell chicken tacos with tomato, black olives, romaine lettuce, jalapeno, sour cream, and a touch of “Mexican Style” cheese; and fried chicken sandwiches with romaine lettuce, tomato, red onion, and pickle. The Cat found the secret ingredient for fast food fried batter: confectioner’s sugar AKA powdered sugar. While he was frying, the whole house smelled just like a Wendy’s or Burger King. Mmmm.

I ❤ tacos
I also ❤ fried food

Other News


The Halloween secret bag has been scrapped.

I’ve playing an Action Role Playing Game called Path of Exile. It’s got a bit of a learning curve but if you find a good guide for the kind of playstyle you enjoy, it’s quite smooth to play. I don’t play hardcore because I tend to die. A lot. I’m currently playing a life-based Righteous Fire/Scorching Ray Juggernaut as my main (guide I used), but I also have a Consecrated Path Juggernaut (guide I used). I might also make a Blade Vortex character of some sort or look into a different character. I really enjoy the looting aspect and setting up a little shop, but I gotta admit that my stash space gets limited quite quickly!

Leveling a Juggernaut: Goldrim hat and a Tabula Rasa chestpiece — I look like a rugby player
Righteous Fire Juggernaut checking out an NPC decoration that didn’t make it in a lab trial

Looting forever,
